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Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST,
Sat-Sun by appointment

Who We Are


Micro Roasted Coffee Beans

We are coffee artists and our goal is to delight you with our coffee.

Here at 21 Queen Street Coffee Company, we:

  1. source the best coffee beans on earth
  2. roast them to perfection
  3. package them carefully
  4. and deliver them to your home, office or business the peak of freshness!

Visit our Jacksonville roastery and see for yourself. Our coffee never sits around going stale!  We only roast your coffee before it is shipped.  Freshness is the flavor key and nothing less is acceptable to us.

Green Coffee Beans

21 Queen Street Coffee Company was born in the coffee loving city of Jacksonville, Florida. We started our business to achieve one goal: selling the finest coffee in the world at the peak of freshness

We passionately love great coffee and know you do, too. We absolutely love how selective our customers are!!

Delicious Coffee

At 21 Queen Street Coffee Company, we focus on bringing you exceptional coffees from around the world. Sourcing each coffee by hand and taking particular care to verify that every single batch of coffee meets our high standards before offering it to you. Each coffee is roasted to bring out the flavors inherent to that specific coffee and its growing region. Our team takes intense pride in exclusively roasting our coffee in micro batches to make certain the coffee you order is received at the peak of flavor.  

Welcome to our family.  We look forward to enjoying the coffee adventure with you!

Love from everyone here at 21 Queen Street Coffee Company

Don't Take Our Word For it! Here's What Our Customers Think:

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Tanzania Peaberry
Someone purchased a 10 minutes ago from Leicester, NC
Colombia Tolima Casa Verda Organic - Sample Size
Someone purchased a 14 minutes ago from Tampa, FL
Colombia Tolima Casa Verda Organic
Someone purchased a 17 minutes ago from Lake City, FL
Honduras Pacavita Organic
Someone purchased a 8 minutes ago from Orange Park, FL
Guatemala La Morena
Someone purchased a 17 minutes ago from Leicester, NC
Costa Rica San Diego Honey
Someone purchased a 5 minutes ago from Asheville, NC
Roasted Coffee Dry Rub and Seasoning
Someone purchased a 17 minutes ago from Jacksonville, FL
Nicaragua Matagalpa
Someone purchased a 18 minutes ago from Fernandina, FL

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